Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sponsor Sunday

Every Sunday I plan to post about a child who is waiting for a sponsor on the Compassion International website.  

I will search for a child who is older, stands out to me, or has been waiting a long time for a sponsor. There are some children who wait over a year for someone to choose them, which is a long time for a young child to wait, and they often begin to lose hope that anyone will ever pick them. Older children are sometimes passed over for the cute little kids and there are usually more boys than girls on the website, so that is why I have chosen an older boy for todays post. I want to help end a child’s wait, even if all I can do is pray.


Aditya(Didit) is a seventeen year old young man from Indonesia.

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I do not know what exactly about him caught my eye but something did. His birthday is August 15, 1996, and he is only a month younger that me. He lives with his mother and father, but he does not have any siblings. For fun, he likes to swim, ride his bike, and play soccer. He is above average in school and attends church regularly. Sounds like he is doing Hard Things too.

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